Responding to SMS Message

Responding to SMS Message

You can respond to SMS messages from 2 locations.

1. If you click on "View Conversation" from the Dashboard, you will be taken to a "Conversations" page. Here you can view and respond to the conversation. If you send a message to a customer, the customer will receive it immediately, as long has the customers phone is in an area that has service. If the customer replies, your chat screen will update in real-time.


To the right of the chat screen (on desktop browser) or below the chat screen (on mobile devices) you will see a list of all the appointments associated with the mobile number. You can view any of the appointments by clicking on "View Appointment".

2. When you click on an appointment from the calendar, you will be taken to the "Edit Appointment" page. On this page, you can view and respond to the conversation. If you send a message to a customer, the customer will receive it immediately, as long has the customers phone is in an area that has service. If the customer replies, your chat screen will update in real-time.


Sending a Message to a Number that is Not Attached to an Appointment

At this time, this feature is not available. A mobile number must be attached to an appointment to be able to achieve 2-way messaging.

To learn about how to receiving new SMS Messages, Click Here.

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